Principal Designer – Mercari
- Employment Status:Full-time
- Work Hours:Full Flextime (no core time)
- Office: Roppongi
- For more details, see the Overview of Our Positions section on our Careers site.
About Mercari
Circulate all forms of value to unleash the potential in all people
"What can I do to help society thrive with the finite resources we have?" The Mercari marketplace app was born in 2013 out of this thought by our founder Shintaro Yamada as he traveled the world. We believe that by circulating all forms of value, not just physical things and money, we can create opportunities for anyone to realize their dreams and contribute to society and the people around them. Mercari aims to use technology to connect people all over the world and create a world where anyone can unleash their potential. For more information about Mercari Group’s mission, see Mercari’s Culture Doc.
Organization/Team Mission
The mission of Mercari’s design organization:
- Mercari Group’s strategy is to circulate value, as is shown in the image below. Our mission is to embody this circulation in our products and design all the components necessary for our users to obtain the things they want and achieve their dreams.
Expected roles:
- Ever since Mercari’s founding, we have innovated as a product company taking into account not only our users, but also growth and profitability, in all of our roles.
- As a result, we have grown into an enormous platform with a number of Mercari accounts equivalent to approximately half of Japan’s population (48 million people) and 23 million monthly active users.
- In the process, we have worked to maximize opportunities for our users to enjoy Mercari, by offering a credit card tailored to making purchases on our marketplace, bitcoin features enabling users to transform their sales balance into a new type of value, and recently, the Mercari Hallo service, which supplies easy-to-find work locations for anyone who has verified their identity on our platform.
- Unlike other companies that work to create their own ecosystems, Mercari aspires to captivate users with engaging products to achieve disruptive growth. As a designer for the Mercari app, you will use your polished design techniques with an eye to all of Mercari’s businesses to thoroughly carry out communication with our users, while taking responsibility for the UX that you create leading to growth and profitability for the company.
- Upon joining Mercari, you will be assigned to a specialist team reporting directly to Mercari’s CXO as a Principal Designer.
Career development:
- After demonstrating business results within the specialist team under our CXO, you will be in charge of UX decisions for one of Mercari’s businesses in place of the CXO.
- Once you have expanded your scope of responsibility, you will be able to further develop your career on one of two avenues, to take over the position of CXO for Mercari’s Japan businesses or continue to contribute to Mercari as a Principal Designer.
See here for more information about our mission and values.
Work Responsibilities
Specific work responsibilities include the following:
- You will be asked to plan, evaluate, and find solutions for business strategies and product direction from the perspectives of design consideration and user experience. For example, you will design and lead the process of identifying customer insights from ethnographic research and transforming them into ideas for businesses and services.
- In particular, you will be asked to communicate with leadership who have an overall view of Mercari’s Japan businesses (marketplace, payment, credit, cryptoassets, on-demand work, and other new businesses) and rapidly drive the creation of a five-element UX model.
- You will also be a role model and help develop future talent as a leading figure in the company.
Unique Challenges
- Experience cross-use initiatives involving many different markets
- Since our founding, we have stuck to a “one UX” approach for the Mercari app—we ensure that the marketplace, fintech, and on-demand work markets are all part of the same customer journey, and aim for growth using cross-use strategies. Most companies that expand into multiple businesses have different styles for promoting each of their businesses, but since Mercari has one unified customer journey, we recommend that talented designers who understand all of the business areas take charge of designing the entire app.
- You will be able to gain experience similar to that of creating a community, covering many different markets at once.
- Experience product design at all phases of product development
- This position is full of opportunities for you to test your design skills in different phases since Mercari is constantly entering new markets. We often have products in the launch phase (going from 0 to 1), the product-market fit phase (going from 10 to 100), and the innovation breakthrough phase (aiming to go from 100 to 1,000), all at the same time.
- Drive projects in all areas from strategy to delivery through design
- At Mercari, we actively assign experienced designers to take charge of businesses and demonstrate their leadership, while also enabling them to deliver products they are satisfied with. This means that one designer is in charge of the entire process, from understanding business challenges and management strategies, communicating with leadership on a weekly basis, and creating the user experience to working together with PMs and engineers to ensure a proper product-market fit.
- Required Experience/Skills
- Shared belief in the mission and values of Mercari Group and its various companies
- At least 10 years of experience designing UI and UX for apps or websites
- Leadership skills and ability to drive projects in collaboration with team members
- Experience using development tools such as Figma and InVision
- Frequent use of Mercari’s services for buying and selling items
- Preferred Experience/Skills
- Experience working on design in the system development phase of an app
- Experience in people management or enthusiasm for creating a design organization
- Experience working in an English-language environment
- Language
- Japanese: Proficient (CEFR - C1) required
- English: Independent (CEFR - B2) required
For details about CEFR, see here.
Learn More About Mercari Group
Recruiting at Mercari
At Mercari Group, we value empathizing with and embodying the mission and values of the Group and each company. To promote the creation of an organization that maximizes the total amount of value exhibited by all members, we would like to understand the experience and skills of each candidate as accurately as possible.
Recruiting cycle at Mercari Group
- Application screening
- Skill assessment: For engineering positions, you will be asked to complete a skill assessment on HackerRank or GitHub. For non-engineering positions, you may be asked to complete an assessment depending on the position. (The timing of the assessment may coincide with the interview process.)
- Interview: The number of interviews may vary depending on the position.
- Reference check: We will ask for online references around the timing of the final interview.
- Offer: Offers will be determined carefully in consideration of the final interview and the reference check.
Learn more about our recruiting process here.
Equal Opportunity Hiring
Here at Mercari, we work to realize a world in which no one’s potential is limited by their background and everyone has the opportunity to freely create value. We also firmly believe that a mindset of Inclusion & Diversity is essential for us to achieve our mission.
This, of course, extends to our hiring practices as well. Mercari is committed to eliminating discrimination based on age, gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, physical disability, and other such factors so that anyone who shares our mission and values can join us, regardless of their background. For more details, please read our I&D statement.
Please read and acknowledge our Privacy Policy prior to submitting your application.
Principal Designer – Mercari
- 雇用形態:正社員
- 働き方:フレックスタイム制(コアタイムなし・フレキシブルタイムなし)
- 勤務地:六本木
テクノロジーの力で世界中の人々をつなぎ、あらゆる人の可能性が発揮される世界を実現していきます。メルカリグループの目指すべき方針については Mercari Culture Doc をご覧ください。
- メルカリグループの戦略である、価値の循環の図を、プロダクトに可視化し、お客さまの欲しいもの・やりたいことの実現を果たすために必要なことすべてを設計していくことがミッションです
- メルカリは創業以来、プロダクトの会社としてどのような役割においてもお客さま視点のみならずGrowthと収益もとらえたモノづくりをしてきました。
- その結果、日本人口の約2人に1人(4,800万人)がメルカリアカウントを持ち、月間利用者数は2,300万人という巨大なプラットフォームへ成長しました。
- その過程ではフリマの購入に最適なクレジットカードの提供や、売上金を新たな価値に変えられるビットコインの提供、そして最近では本人確認済みの人であればすぐにマッチングできるHalloの働く場所の提供など、お客さまのメルカリを楽しむ可能性を最大化してきました。
- 経済圏を作る他社とは異なり、あくまでも”プロダクトの力”でお客さまを魅了し非連続な成長を野心的にもつメルカリアプリのDesignerには事業横断した視点と、磨き上げられたDesign技術によって、「自分が生み出したUXがGrowthも収益も生み出している」という結果責任を持ち、徹底的な顧客との対話が日々の役割になります。
- 入社後はプリンシパルデザイナーとしてCXO直下のスペシャリスト専門チームに配属となります。
- CXO直下のスペシャリストチーム内で事業成果を上げられた後は、CXOの代理として1つの事業のUX判断をお任せしていきます
- その責任範囲を拡大していった後、日本事業のCXOのポジションを得るまたは、プリンシパルデザイナーとして引き続き貢献いただくかの2つの道が用意されます
- デザイン思考やユーザーエクスペリエンスの観点から戦略やプロダクトの方向性を設計し、評価し、解決策を見つける。例えば、エスノグラフィックリサーチ等からカスタマーインサイトを洞察し、ビジネスやサービスの種を引き出す一連のプロセスを設計しつつ、自らリードしていただきます。
- 特に日本事業全体(フリマ・決済・与信・暗号資産・スキマバイト + あまたある新規事業)の視点を持った経営陣と対話しながら迅速にUXの5段階モデルを組み立てていく推進が求められます
- 社内での第一人者として、自らモデルとなり後続育成等にも参加していただきます。
- あらゆる市場をとらえたクロスユース施策を経験できる
- メルカリアプリは創業当初からOne UXを貫いており、フリマ、Fintech、HR市場を1つのカスタマージャーニーにつなげ、クロスユース戦略でGrowthを考えています。通常このような事業展開をする企業では各事業部に分かれた推進スタイルを持ちますが、お客さまのカスタマージャーニーは1つであるため、メルカリでは全領域を理解したDesign人材がアプリの全体設計を行うことを推奨しています。
- 一度にあらゆる市場を捉えた社会作りのような経験を積むことができます。
- あらゆるプロダクトのフェーズのモノづくりを経験できる
- あらゆる市場に常に参入し続けるメルカリでは、0-1の新規立ち上げフェーズ、10-100のProduct Market Fitのフェーズ、そして100-1000を狙うイノベーションのジレンマを打ち破るフェーズが同時多発的に生じるため、培ったご自身のDesign力を試すオポチュニティに溢れています
- 戦略からデリバリーに至るまでのすべての領域でデザインで推進できる
- メルカリは経験のあるデザイナーに積極的に事業推進者としてリーダーシップを発揮いただきつつ、ご自身が納得行くプロダクトをデリバリーできるアサイン環境を整えています。そのため、事業課題や経営戦略を理解と経営陣と週次で対話しながらお客さま体験を作り出し、PMやエンジニアと共にProduct Market Fitさせる一連の流れをすべてを1名のDesignerに託します
- 求める経験・スキル
- メルカリグループおよび各カンパニーのミッションとバリューに共感していただける方
- アプリもしくは、WebのUI/UXデザインの実務経験10年以上
- リーダーシップを発揮し、チームとともにプロジェクトをリードする能力
- FigmaやInVisionなど、開発に必要なツールを用いた実務経験
- 日頃からメルカリで売買を楽しんでいる方
- 歓迎する経験・スキル
- アプリのシステム開発におけるデザイン経験
- ピープルマネジメント経験または、デザイン組織づくりに意欲的な方
- 英語での業務経験
- 語学力
- 日本語:Proficient (CEFR - C1) 必須
- 英語:Independent (CEFR - B2) 必須
- 書類選考
- 技術課題:エンジニアポジションではHackerRankまたはGithubでの技術課題を、エンジニア以外のポジションでは採用ポジションによります(面接タイミングと前後することがあります)
- 面接:ポジションにより、複数回の面接をお願いします
- リファレンス:オンライン回答形式のもので、最終選考の前後でお願いします
- オファー:最終選考とリファレンスの内容より決定されます
※詳しくは こちらのページをご覧ください
メルカリでは、バックグラウンドによって個人の可能性が決めつけられることなく、自由に価値を生みだす機会を手にできる社会の実現を目指しています。そしてメルカリがミッションを実現するために「Inclusion & Diversity」という考え方は不可欠な存在だと考えています。
詳しくは、I&D statementをご覧ください。