Infinitus is hiring a

PhD Research Intern - NLP/Speech

Infinitus has multiple projects around end-to-end dialogue, spoken dialogue systems, summarization, and language generation. Our research interns are mentored by scientists, researchers, and engineers who have worked on widely used conversational AI platforms and have conducted research in the industry at top AI (including FAANG/MAMAA) companies. Depending on interest, projects may result in publication submissions to top-tier conferences. Our Internships will start in the late Spring/Early Summer of 2024 and typically last 12-16 weeks, though we are always open to collaboration beyond the internship.

Infinitus has conducted tens of thousands of calls in the Healthcare system, which provides a plethora of data for experimentation. If you are interested in working on research that can move the needle for complex conversational systems, come join us.

At Infinitus, you will:

  • Work on ambitious projects in NLP and spoken dialogue systems. Projects can include: 
  • Improving robustness of complex dialogue systems
  • Implicit dialogue structure discovery
  • Improving acoustic models for spoken dialogue systems
  • Have the opportunity to integrate experiments into production

We are looking for someone who:

  • Currently pursuing their PhD.
  • Research experience in deep learning-based Natural Language Processing and/or Speech.
  • Proficiency in Python3 (and preferably PyTorch and/or TensorFlow).

Nice to have:

  • Publications at top-tier NLP conferences such as ACL, EMNLP, NAACL, COLING, etc.
  • Research in conversational AI, especially in practical settings

Infinitus Systems, Inc. is an early stage startup building a voice automation platform to enable businesses to communicate with each other efficiently. Infinitus has raised $51.4M to date and is backed by Kleiner Perkins, Coatue Management and Google Ventures. Healthcare is one of the biggest contributors to the US GDP and we are on a mission to reduce the complexity and spend on healthcare backoffices. At Infinitus, you will have a unique perspective on the development of cutting edge technology while working with major players across the healthcare industry in the US.

Infinitus is made up of engineers, product managers, AI trainers, and operations specialists who collaborate on all kinds of projects. We not only encourage each other to do our best work, we also share our pet pictures, our favorite recipes, and stories from our vacations.

At Infinitus Systems, we are committed to providing an environment of mutual respect where equal employment opportunities are available to all applicants and teammates without regard to race, color, religion, sex, pregnancy (including childbirth, lactation and related medical conditions), national origin, age, physical and mental disability, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information (including characteristics and testing), military and veteran status, and any other characteristic protected by applicable law. Infinitus Systems believes that diversity and inclusion among our teammates is critical to our success as a global company, and we seek to recruit, develop and retain the most talented people from a diverse candidate pool.

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