Manual QA Engineer / マニュアルQAエンジニア


About PayPay Securities / PayPay証券について

PayPay is a FinTech company that has surpassed 65 million users (as of August 2024) in 5 years since its launch in 2018, is rapidly expanding its business scale as a payment platform used by approximately one out of every two smartphone users in Japan.

PayPay Securities Corporation provides a unique and familiar asset management service that anyone can easily use in their daily lives as a specialized smartphone brokerage firm that can be used through PayPay.

As a member of the PayPay Group, we are refining our products at an overwhelming speed that no other company can imitate, and we will promote the spread of cashless payments in Japan and the financial life platform that uses them at a dash. We are looking for people who are passionate about these things as professionals, who can identify issues on their own, and who can work together with others to create new value.

※ Please note that you cannot apply or be selected in parallel with PayPay Corporation, PayPay Card Corporation and PayPay Securities Corporation.




※ PayPay証券株式会社へご応募いただく際にはPayPay株式会社、PayPayカード株式会社へ併願応募はご遠慮いただいております。ご了承ください。



Job Description / 業務について

PayPay Securities, as an important part of PayPay’s financial ecosystem, has launched “Point Management” with over 10 million users and “PayPay Asset Management, the first initiative in Japan that enables asset management on a payment application. Now that the business foundation of the financial ecosystem is finally in place, we intend to expand our business to change the structure of asset management in Japan, with the main target being those who have not yet started asset management or were not interested in it before.

To achieve our goal, PayPay Securities is preparing to bring in technical talents not only from Japan but also globally, just as we have done with PayPay’s product division. As a Manual QA Engineer, you will be collaborating with engineers, designers and QAs, and working in an environment where you can be one of the founding members to build up a new organization within PayPay Securities.

※ Please note that this job is for Japan Residents Only




Highlights of the opportunity / ポジションの魅力:

  • Be part of the team to build up a new organization and environment
  • Develop skills in making business plans from a high perspective, through the high-level coordination with departments and affiliated companies within PayPay Group to support the top management’s decision
  • Gain experience in a company that aiming to be the pioneer in the market to provide a brand new Mobile Securities services, which never had before during the era of Financial reformation
  • Able to utilize PayPay’s services and user base

  • 新しい組織・環境を一緒に作り上げることができる点
  • 経営トップの意思決定サポートや各部門・PayPayを始めとした関係会社とのハイレベルな調整を通じ、高い視点に立った企画立案能力を獲得することができる点
  • 金融業界の変革期のなかで、これまでにない新しいモバイル証券サービスの提供を目指す当社において、業界の最前線にて業務経験を積むことができる点
  • PayPayのサービス・ユーザー基盤を活用できる点


Responsibilities / 主な担当業務:

  • Execute Functional and Non-Functional tests. Collect and organize test results for reporting to QA managers
  • Prepare test data, tools, and environment needed for test execution
  • Report found defects, track status of reported defects, and verify fixes
  • Design, create and review test cases based on specifications by closely collaborating with QA managers
  • Maintain and update the master test cases

  • 機能テストと非機能テストを実施する。QA Managerへの報告用にテスト結果を収集・管理する
  • テスト実行に必要なテストデータ、ツール、環境を準備する
  • 発見された不具合を報告し、報告された不具合のステータスを追跡し、修正を検証する
  • QA Managerと密に協力し、仕様書に基づいたテストケースを設計、作成、レビューする
  • マスターテストケースの管理と更新


Qualifications / 必要なスキル・経験 :

  • 3-5 years of QA Engineer/Tester experience
  • Ability to understand and analyze technical specifications. Experience in designing and creating test cases
  • Strong knowledge of QA methodology and QA tools, such as ALM, TestRail, TestLink, QASymphony, etc.
  • Familiar with test automation process and tools, such as Selenium, UFT, Load Runner, etc.
  • Strong organizational and problem solving skills with attention to detail
  • Have excellent verbal communication skills and documentation skills
  • Business level in Japanese (JLPT N1 equivalent)

  • 3~5年のQAエンジニア、テスター経験
  • 技術仕様の理解と分析能力、テストケースの設計・作成経験
  • ALM、TestRail、TestLink、QASymphonyなどのQA手法やQAツールの知識が豊富であること
  • Selenium、UFT、Load Runnerなどのテスト自動化プロセスやツールに精通している
  • 細部にまで気を配ることができ、強い組織力と問題解決スキルをお持ちの方
  • 口頭でのコミュニケーション、ドキュメンテーションスキルに優れていること
  • 日本語(日本語が母国語、もしくは、日本語能力試験N1同等レベル)
  • 英語に苦手意識がないこと(業務において必要であれば通訳を介します)


Preferred Qualifications / あると望ましいスキル・経験:

  • Experience in testing mobile applications (Android and iOS)
  • ISTQB or equivalent certificate
  • Experience in working under a fast-paced development environment in IT/Web industry (experience of Agile development is a plus)
  • Experience in developing the standardization of QA process and methodology, and/or proposing improvement in QA processes
  • Experience in proposing and introducing new QA tools in the test process
  • Experience in carrying out projects by collaborating with other teams and external vendor partners
  • Experience in working on QA in securities, finance, or similar industries
  • Experience in in-house service operation

  • モバイルアプリ(iOS/Android)のテスト経験
  • ISTQBまたは同等の資格
  • IT/Web業界でのスピード感のある開発環境下での業務経験(アジャイル開発の経験があれば尚可)
  • QAプロセス・手法の標準化、改善提案の経験
  • テストプロセスにおける新しいQAツールの提案・導入経験
  • 他チームや外部ベンダーと協業してプロジェクトを推進した経験
  • 証券・金融業界でのQA経験
  • インハウスでの自社サービス運用経験
  • 英語(ビジネスレベルでの会話が可能なレベル)


The ideal candidates at PayPay Securities / PayPay証券が求める人物像


Working Conditions

Employment Status

  • Full Time

Office Location

  • Tokyo Office
  • You can live anywhere in Japan

Work Hours

  • Super Flex Time (No Core Time)
  • In principle, 9:00am-6:00pm (actual working hours: 8h + 1h break)


  • Every Saturday/Sunday/National holidays (in Japan)

Paid leave

  • Annual paid leave (1 to 10 days depending on the month of joining will be granted upon employment date)
  • Summer break (2 days / generally taken between July 1st and September 30th / subject to change depending on month of employment)
  • Year-end and New Year holidays (12/31-1/3)


  • Annual salary paid in 12 installments (monthly)
  • Based on skills, experience and abilities
  • Review once a year
  • Special Incentive once a year *Based on company performance and individual contribution and evaluation
  • Overtime allowance, Late overtime allowance, Commuting and transportation expenses, Work style support allowance


  • Social Insurances (Health insurance, Employee pension, Employment insurance and Industrial accident compensation insurance)




  • 正社員


  • 自宅または本社


  • スーパーフレックス制(コアタイム無し)
  • 原則:午前9時~午後18時00分(実働8時間+休憩時間 1時間)


  • 完全週休2日制(土日祝)
  • 有給休暇(入社時付与あり/入社月に応じて1日〜10日付与)
  • 夏季休暇(2日/原則7/1-9/30の間に取得/入社月に応じて変動あり)
  • 年末年始休暇(12/31-1/3)


  • 年次有給休暇(初年度10日間、入社月に応じて按分付与。入社日から使用可)


  • 年俸制
  • 経験、スキル、業績、貢献度に応じ当社規定により決定
  • 昇給(年1回)
  • 会社業績および個人貢献度により賞与支給(年1回)
  • 時間外勤務手当、深夜勤務手当、通勤交通費、WorkStyle支援金


  • 社会保険(健康保険、厚生年金、雇用保険、労災保険)

PayPay証券について / About PayPay Securities PayPay証券株式会社は、ユーザー数6600万人を突破した「PayPay」(2024年10月時点)と連携を深めながら、スマホ専業証券会社として、「資産運用」を日常の中で誰もが簡単にできるユニークで身近なサービスを提供しています。他社に真似できない圧倒的なスピードでプロダクトを磨き上げ、日本のキャッシュレス決済、またそれを使用した金融ライフプラットフォームとしての普及を一気に推進することにプロフェッショナルとして情熱を持って取り組み、ユーザーの為に新しい価値創出を共に推進する仲間を募集します。     PayPay Securities Corporation is deepening its collaboration with "PayPay," which surpassed 66 million users as of October 2024, and, as a smartphone-exclusive securities company, provides unique and accessible services that make asset management easy for everyone in their daily lives. We are passionate about professional efforts to refine our products at an unmatched speed that other companies can't imitate, and to rapidly promote the adoption of cashless payment methods in Japan, as well as their use as a financial life platform. We are looking for partners to join us in creating new value for our users. PayPay Culture concept PV  "OUR VISION IS UNLIMITED_"  日本語 / ENG PayPay Developers concept PV "Voices of PayPay Developers"  日本語 / ENG  

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