About the role:
As a lead you will be driving Paytm Ads partnership business which will include
collaborating with agencies and onboarding brands & new advertisers and grow
POD’s contribution to overall sales.
1) Scout and Build solid relationships with advertisers, advertising agencies, new,
medium and small brands/ clients, displaying a dedication to delivering first-class
service and online advertising solutions
2) Building and driving relationships with existing key merchants to improve quality of
services and drive incremental revenue
3) The incumbent will be responsible for managing internal and external relationships
4) Consult with Agencies to help them leverage Paytm Ads to grow their clients’
5) Building a short/medium/long-term ad sales pipeline in accordance with monthly
and quarterly revenue targets
6) Liaising with key internal and external stakeholders to set up and (or) follow
business processes and SOPs
7) Suggesting new ideas and developing plans for future business and revenue
Ideal candidate would have:
1) 5+ years Proven experience in advertising solutions- sales, ad operations, online marketing
and advertising.
2) Creative and strategic vision to build value proposition for clients
3) Strong digital advertising experience expertise
4) Proven track record of delivering results and generating transformational growth
5) Strong analytical skills as well as experience in applying those skills in the
advertising domain
6) Sound judgment and flexibility in balancing program requirements, tight deadlines,
and keeping people and projects moving on schedule