Title – EWM Mainframe Consultant
Position – Contract/Part Time
Location – Remote
Rate - $Open (Best Possible)
Job Description:
- Conduct design review sessions to gather environment information needed and business and technical requirements for implementation
- Install and configure EWM with the following applications: JTS, and CCM
- Install on Windows environment- Single Server topology
- Client will provide QA/Test and PROD environment.
- We will need to download installation files.
- Apply version 7.0 licenses to the server
- Create build definitions for transforming EGL code to COBOL, compiling COBOL, and link-editing
- Create system definitions for managing the compilation of COBOL source (after transformation)
Note: If interested please send your updated resume and include your rate requirement along with your contact details with a suitable time when we can reach you. If you know of anyone in your sphere of contacts, who would be a perfect match for this job then, we would appreciate if you can forward this posting to them with a copy to us.
We look forward to hearing from you at the earliest!