UNU is hiring a

Director, UNU-AI (D1)

Bologna, Italy

About UN University (UNU)

The United Nations University (UNU) is an international community of scholars engaged in policy-oriented research, capacity development and dissemination of knowledge, furthering the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations. UNU’s mission is to contribute, through research and capacity building, to efforts to resolve the pressing global problems that are the concern of the United Nations and its Member States.

For the past four decades, United Nations University (UNU) has been a go-to think tank for impartial research on human survival, conflict prevention, sustainable development and welfare. With more than 400 researchers in 12 countries, UNU’s work spans the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, generating policy-relevant knowledge to effect positive global change. UNU maintains more than 200 collaborations with UN agencies and leading universities and research institutions across the globe.

About United Nations University Institute for Artificial Intelligence (UNU-AI) 

The United Nations University Institute for Artificial Intelligence (UNU-AI) will be the newest of 14 research and training Institutes of the UNU system. UNU-AI will be formally established in 2024 with the mission to advance global research, development, capacity, and policy in the domains of artificial intelligence. UNU-AI aims to partner with the UN system, serve as a platform where multidisciplinary and multisector stakeholders can use, be trained to use, and be equipped to integrate insights generated by advanced artificial intelligence and computational infrastructure to enhance human welfare, strengthen peace and security, and protect and preserve the planet’s natural habitat. The Institute will build sustainable partnerships with other UNU institutes and United Nations entities and drawing on local, regional, and global partners to deliver data-driven insights and catalyse innovation that can contribute to the achievement of the goal and purposes of the United Nations. Central to the Institute’s work will be to develop and enable sustained North-South and South-South research collaboration and engagement with institutions and researchers in the Global South to ensure that the Institute genuinely addresses the diverse needs and aspirations of nations and peoples worldwide.

For more information about the background to the establishment of the UNU-AI please visit: New UNU Institute in Italy Will Drive Global Collaboration in Big Data and Artificial Intelligence | United Nations University 

Director of UNU-AI

The Director reports to the Rector of the United Nations University. As the chief academic and administrative officer of UNU-AI, the Director has overall responsibility for the direction, organization, administration and programmes of UNU-AI.

The preferred candidate should have a distinguished scientific profile of research and policy engagement in artificial intelligence, data, computing technology, AI applications and transformative technology, with strong relevant networks sufficient to support UNU-AI with the necessary prestige and credibility in the communities of international scholarship, AI and data research, policy, and practice.

The Director will develop and manage national and international partnerships and negotiations, and oversee the administrative, infrastructural, financial and data privacy, security and governance operations, and management of UNU-AI. The Director will also be expected to take the lead in drafting and executing the Institute’s first strategy within the broader context of UNU’s Strategy (2025-2029).

The Director will ensure that UNU-AI contributes to important policy debates within the UN and with Member States based on a critical understanding of the challenges posed by artificial intelligence and the outcomes of the Institute’s future research programme. The Director is responsible for guaranteeing scientific excellence through internal quality control and providing strategic visioning and guidance for the impact of UNU-AI in artificial intelligence policy domains.

UNU is looking for a dynamic individual with an entrepreneurial mind-set as the inaugural director to lead this new institute; someone with a strong academic and management background who can recruit, lead, inspire and manage a diverse team of experts; build strategic partnerships with think tanks, universities, the private sector, and other parts of the UN system; and produce world-class, policy-relevant analyses, convene critical dialogues and support capacity strengthening, particularly in the Global South, to contribute to the resolution of global challenges posed by artificial intelligence.


1. Leadership and strategic management

  • Serve as the Chief Academic and Administrative officer of the institute with overall responsibility for the direction, organisation, administration, and programming of UNU-AI, in accordance with the policies and criteria formulated by the UNU Council, the Rector, and the Institute’s Advisory Board (once operational);
  • Manage, hire and supervise personnel, promoting diversity, inclusion, and gender equality;
  • Manage the Institute’s budget, including reporting requirements to donors and within the UNU system; and
  • Lead relations with the host country (Italy), its host institution (University of Bologna), and other key stakeholders.

2. Resource mobilisation

  • Develop and implement a resource mobilisation strategy to secure funding for future UNU-AI programmes;
  • Manage donor relations and networks, including resource mobilisation activities for the institute’s research programmes; and
  • Coach researchers in preparing excellent proposals and in engaging with research partners and donors.

3. Research programme implementation and oversight

  • Lead a policy and impact-driven programme of substantive research, capacity-building, and knowledge translation in the artificial intelligence domain through the implementation of the first UNU-AI strategy;
  • Oversee the establishment and implementation of research programmes; and
  • Ensure that research outputs are high quality and policy-relevant and that recommendations are channeled effectively to the UN system, policymakers, and other stakeholders.

4. Represent UNU-AI and establish strategic partnerships

  • Establish and maintain relationships with the UN system, governments including the Emilia Romagna Region, local, regional, national and international partners, donors, and other stakeholders to achieve collaboration on programme development, implementation, and resource mobilisation;
  • Strengthen and expand scientific partnerships and networks with relevant institutions, including major UN stakeholders, think tanks, research organisations, and academic networks internal and external to UNU; and
  • Draw on UNU’s convening power and represent UNU-AI in local and global fora to raise the Institute’s visibility, presence, and impact.

5. Knowledge sharing and collaboration

  • Facilitate the dissemination and translation of the Institute’s knowledge products to key stakeholders and the public;
  • Co-ordinate UNU-AI’s work programme with other UN and UNU activities and institutions in different parts of the world, particularly in the Global South; and
  • Support the Rector and the UNU system, including participation in the Conference of Directors of UNU institutes and system-wide initiatives.

6. Perform other duties in support of the Institute and UNU system, as requested by the Rector

Key performance indicators

  • UNU-AI to be seen as a reliable and trustworthy partner by donors, governments, research partners, civil society, and the UN System.
  • Increased sustainable donor support to UNU-AI, including excellent donor relationships and diversified funding sources.
  • Implementation of a high-quality programme for UNU-AI, including delivering research outputs, capacity-building activities, and events.
  • A high level of academic excellence is guaranteed in all the Institute’s activities through internal quality control and guidance for academic activities.
  • The Institute is managed effectively and efficiently according to the policies and criteria formulated by the UNU Council, the Rector, and the Institute’s Advisory Board (once established).



  • Inclusion — take action to create an environment of dignity and respect for all, regardless of age, culture, disability, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, gender expression, geography, grade, language, nationality, racial identity, religion, sex, sex characteristics, sexual orientation, social origin or any other aspect of identity
  • Integrity — act ethically, demonstrating the standards of conduct of the United Nations and taking prompt action in case of witnessing unprofessional or unethical behaviour, or any other breach of UN standards
  • Humility — demonstrate self-awareness and willingness to learn from others
  • Humanity — act according to the purposes of the United Nations: peace, dignity and equality on a healthy planet


  • Connect and collaborate — build positive relationships with others to advance the work of the United Nations and work coherently as One UN
  • Analyse and plan — seek out and use data from a wide range of sources to understand problems, inform decision-making, propose evidence-based solutions and plan action
  • Deliver results with positive impact — hold oneself and others accountable for delivering results and making a positive difference to the people and causes that the United Nations serves
  • Learn and develop — pursue own learning and development and contribute to the learning and development of others
  • Adapt and innovate — demonstrate flexibility, agility and the ability to think and act in novel ways

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