We are looking for talented Data Analyst with a passion for managing, analyzing and visualizing data to find actionable Insights and help improve outcomes for our business and internal customers.
•Deep-dive analysis of subscriber-data from large databases;
•Writing and running SQL queries to retrieve data from databases;
•Monitoring and auditing accuracy and completeness of collected data;
•Organizing data into usable formats;
•Generating information and insights from data and identifying trends and patterns;
•Conducting A/B tests to understand and evaluate quality of data models;
•Creating data dashboards, graphs and visualizations;
•Developing and maintaining automated data processes.
•Experience with SQL queries and data aggregation;
•Experience SQL / PLSQL programming;
•Excellent knowledge and confident Excel user;
•Skills to optimize SQL queries;
•Experience in developing analytical reports and interactive dashboard in Power BI;
•Financial and analytical data presentation skills;
•Gaining knowledge from a large amount of data;
•Basic knowledge of statistics;
•Jira, Confluence;
•Experience in Machine Learning and Big Data technologies (as a plus).
We offer:
•A unique experience of working for the largest and most beloved mobile operator in Ukraine;
•Real opportunity to ship digital products to millions of customers;
•Remote work with possibility to visit the office;
•Onboarding program which can help with fast on-line adaptation;
•A competitive salary;
•Annual bonus;
•Paid sick leave and vacation;
•Financial aid in different life situations;
•Flexible working hours;
•Medical and life insurance;
•Great possibilities for professional development and career growth;
•Friendly & collaborative environment.
Детальніше про нас:
Робота в Київстар, який входить до Групи компаній VEON, вимагає від нас дотримання високого рівня ділової етики, юридичних зобов'язань, наших цінностей та Кодексу поведінки групи VEON, політик і процедур Київстар. Ми прагнемо бути чесними та відкритими, що вимагає від нас діяти етично, правдиво і сумлінно. Ми розуміємо важливість захисту Ваших Персональних даних та прагнемо використовувати передовий досвід у цьому напрямку. Натиснувши кнопку «Відгукнутися на вакансію», Ви підтверджуєте, що Ви прочитали, зрозуміли та явно погодилися з нашою
Політикою конфіденційності.
More about us:
Working in Kyivstar (VEON Group) demands a high standard of business ethics, adherence to our legal obligations, our values and our Code of Conduct of VEON Group and supporting compliance policies and procedures. We strive to be truthful and transparent, which
requires us to act ethically, honestly, and with integrity. We understand the importance of the protection of your Personal Data and are committed to using good practices in how we handle such Data. By clicking on "Apply for this job", you confirm that you have read, understood and explicitly agree to our Applicants Privacy Policy.