At Rockstar Games, we create world-class entertainment experiences.
Become part of a team working on some of the most rewarding, large-scale creative projects to be found in any entertainment medium - all within an inclusive, highly-motivated environment where you can learn and collaborate with some of the most talented people in the industry.
Rockstar Games is currently seeking an Animation Programmer with an interest in researching Computer Vision and Machine Learning. We are looking for a talented engineer to help us develop advanced facial performance capture, animation, and rigging technology for our character based games. You should have strong initiative, a detailed knowledge of image processing, photogrammetry, and machine/deep learning techniques, as well as an interest in realistic, high quality facial performance capture.
This is a full-time, in-office position based out of Rockstar’s unique game development studio in Oakville, ON.
Please note that these are desirable skills and are not required to apply for the position.
Please apply with a resume and cover letter demonstrating how you meet the skills above. If we would like to move forward with your application, a Rockstar recruiter will reach out to you to explain next steps and guide you through the process.
Rockstar is committed to creating a work environment that promotes equal opportunity, dignity and respect. In line with this commitment, Rockstar will provide accommodations to job applicants with disabilities (or on the basis of any other protected ground under human rights legislation) during the recruitment process, as well as to any Rockstar employees in order for them to perform the essential functions of their roles. Rockstar will comply with its obligations under the Human Rights Code and the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act and will provide accommodations as long as such accommodations do not pose an undue hardship on Rockstar. If you need more information about Rockstar’s accommodation policies or process, or need to request an accommodation, please contact the Human Resources Department.
If you’ve got the right skills for the job, we want to hear from you. We encourage applications from all suitable candidates regardless of age, disability, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, belief, race, or any other protected category.