生產部維修技工 Production Engineering Technician | 大埔 Tai Po

Tai Po District , Hong Kong


Established around 30 years, Vita Green is already a prominent household name, and is recognized as the most reputable and assuring brand in Hong Kong. We are dedicated to bring health, youth and joy to all. Vita Green specializes in extracting health treasures based on the essence of herbs and traditional Chinese medicine, and manufacture them to the highest western pharmaceutical standards with the help of sophisticated modern technology.

Vita Green is now looking for enthusiastic, committed and qualified applicants to be one of our team members. A high value of integrity is a crucial asset to build a bright future with the Vita Green family.


- 能看懂設備的原理圖紙,並能獨立維修機械、電氣、氣動等專業設備。

Understand equipment schematics and drawings, and can independently maintain and repair mechanical, electrical, and pneumatic equipment.

- 確保廠房生產設備正常運作

Ensure the operation of production equipment

- 定期檢查, 保養及緊急維修生產設備

Regularly inspect, maintain, and conduct emergency repairs on production equipment.

- 依6S要求,對設備的備件、維修工具等進行分類管理,並保持合理的庫存水平

Manage and categorize equipment parts, maintenance tools and maintain reasonable inventory levels.


  • 持電工A/B牌

Holding Grade "A"/"B" Electrical Work Certificate

  • 具維修及保養經驗者優先考慮

Candidates with repair and maintenance experience will be given priority

  • 積極主動,進取

Diligent, efficient and able to focus on work

  • 工作地點: 大埔工業邨(廠車接送上下班)

Work location: Tai Po Industrial Estate (Free Shuttle Bus will be provided)

  • 工作時間: 星期一至六, 9:00-18:00

Working hours: Monday to Saturday, 9:00-18:00


  • 17天銀行假期

17 Days Public Holiday

  • 有薪年假

Paid Annual Leave

  • 6天特別假期 ( 3天旅遊假、生日假、入職週年假、進修假)

6 Days Special Leave (Travel Leave 3 days, Birthday Leave, Entry Anniversary Leave, Study Leave)

  • 年資獎金

Seniority Bonus

  • 加班津貼

Overtime Allowance

  • 膳食津貼

Meal Allowance

  • 年終花紅

Discretionary Bonus

  • 全方位醫療福利 (包括: 中西醫門診、牙醫、住院等)

Comprehensive Health Insurance

  • 員工免費產品及購物優惠

Reduced prices on company products and partnered restaurants and stores

  • 年度免費體檢

Annual Health Check-ups

  • 免費穿梭巴士線直達屯門、天水圍站、朗屏站、粉嶺站、太和站、北角站、藍田站、沙田站、荃灣站、大埔

Free Shuttle Bus: Tuen Mun, Tin Shui Wai, Long Ping, Fanling, Tai Wo, North Point, Lam Tin, Sha Tin, Tsuen Wan, Tai Po

有意者請即WhatsApp 93085291。收集資料只作招聘用途。

If you're interested in this exciting opportunity, please send message to us through WhatsApp (Tel: 93085291). Personal data collected is for recruitment purposes only.

Vita Green was established in 1993 and today has over 700 staff, 3 GMP certified pharmaceutical factories, 6 overseas offices, over 70 specialty shops and consignment counters. We produce and promote 13 proprietary brands and more than 150 products that sell across Asia, Europe, and the USA. With two Good Manufacturing Practice certified factories and dozens of consumer accolades, we continue to grow in stature as a sizeable international company bringing better health to the wider public. Vita Green is now looking for enthusiastic, committed and qualified applicants to be one of our team members. A high value of integrity is a crucial asset to build a bright future with the Vita Green family.

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